Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Ugly Truth

Wow I can't believe I am about to post these pics. They are my dirty little secret. Yes friends and family I really am this fat! I am embarrassed. I am embarrassed of my appearance, but more importantly I embarrassed that I have let myself get out of control.

I am going to keep this post brief. These pictures are worth a thousand words. Tomorrow I will start my new life. I will post more info tomorrow regarding the weight loss plan I will be using. In the mean I am going to bed knowing that everyone knows my dirty little secret, I am fat.

I have spent the past 4 days preparing myself for my journey. I have cleaned my house. I have organized my life. I have planned out every meal for the next week. I have gone grocery shopping. I have planned my exercise regimen. Failing to plan, is planning to fail.

Goodbye fat, unhealthy, disappointing body! I promise I wont miss you!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Beginning

I am tired...

I am tired of being fat. I am tired of being unhealthy. I am tired of not feeling good about my appearance. I am tired of being disgusted in myself after shopping for clothes. I am tired of feeling guilty after scarfing down a cheeseburger and a large soda. I am tired of being uncomfortable when having sex. I am tired of avoiding mirrors in fear of seeing a fat face that I don't recognize. I am tired of starting and failing new diets and exercise plans. Let's just say I am tired of being tired!

I am disappointed in myself...

I am disappointed because I have let food control my life. I am disappointed because I have loss control. I am disappointed because I have not set a good example for my children. I am disappointed that I gave up this past summer after having amazing weight loss results. I am disappointed in myself for being a disappointment!

I am starting this blog because I don't want to be tired and disappointed anymore! I don't want to have to start over yet again. Hopefully documenting my journey to a healthy new me will help me over come some of the obstacles I place in front of myself. I am not doing this for anyone else but myself. I need a place of reflection, a place to plan my path, a place to set my goals, a place to scream, and a place to acknowledge my triumphs. This is that place!